Victoria's student blog

[PROMPT] Learning Design 2 assignment

Background information:

Name: Yuanyuan Guo

Pod group: 7

Group tropic: How to citation

Approaches to learning environments I choose: Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is an interactive learning method. Students can be divided into small group independent discussion and research learning projects. This kind of learning method can improve learning efficiency, and let students get more and more comprehensive information. It can promote the learning progress among students and study together with the learning method of group discussion. In the process of learning, students can freely assign their own learning tasks and summarize the learning results. This kind of learning method can improve the learning efficiency of students to a great extent, and can find out the missing information in their own search. It is a very effective and efficient learning method. It can also improve students’ social ability.

However, cooperative learning does not fit our chosen topic . First of all, learning how to quote is an independent learning process. All collegians university students need to learn and master this skill after entering collegians or university. Secondly, it is a kind of professional writing technique, which provides a professional scale format. This format is very strict in the quotation style, and there will be templates similar to formulas. Each type of article has its own reference template. These templates are not recommended for students to change. So cooperative learning can not play a good role in this topic. Finally, students need to learn, understand and memorize the reference template independently. In this process, it is not necessary or recommended to have other people work together. Because students can complete the citation independently, there is no need to cooperate with team members.


Reference article:

1. Zook, C. (october 18,2018). What Is Cooperative Learning and How Does It Work? Retrieved May 27, 2020, from



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